Sunday, November 23, 2008

lalala ~

cheee ~ what a boring day :x
sunday is the most boring day. sigh.
nothing to do ~
no where to go ~
sleep ~ eat ~ online ~ is all i can do ~
assignment ? all hanged. cant do anything ):
hahahaha! lucky still have manga accompany me. :D hehehehe

im waiting bleach, dgreyman, fairy tail to release new ep D:
sloooooooowwwww ~ tchhh !
currently reading this katekyo hitman reborn!
its boring in 1st 30+ ep but its getting interesting after (:
ahahahaha !

just now my mom suddenlly tell me about laptop thingy* saying tat BenQ laptop cost 2.9k
and saying that if we have money, u will have ur laptop already ! @@!!
"i wan laptop !!! "
" dream on pey, wait till next year la" lolx
well i "might" getting laptop next year :D :D :D "im hoping for it already!"

hmm .. past few days i quite sad about something. hahahah
i don't know what happen but it just happen to be like that. lol
then "he" add fire on me -.- good job man. *thumbs up* :x
i hate myself. and why so many many things come and stress me up T_T
sometimes im scare that i couldn't take it anymore. i cant help myself for keeping eveything within me XD hehe. i rather hide myself in the room and cry then give trouble to people. :p
why i write these stuff in here ? maybe this is why blog is meant to ~ XD
geez* i don't mean to write like that XD hahahah. well i guess i will stop here from now~

end of my post ~

the end. (:

1 comment:

adrianming said...

hmmm~~ who's that 'he' who added fire on you? o.O