Monday, November 3, 2008

27th oct 08, Monday

wahahahaha ! im here to write for last monday :p

anyway yay ! watched Bangkok Dangerous !~ awsome ! :p
that day was the day i going dating with my dear sista stella (:
that day i woke up early and prepared, then i drove out and fetched her, stella to 1Utama~~
we go there jalan-jalan, visit friends who are working, window shopping and etc.
huhu.. by then it seems like lots of people getting sick O: hope they get well soon (:
after that, we go makan at KFC~ drools* long time no see chicken xD
then we went into cinema and watch Bangkok Dangerous ~ <3

nice movie ! worth to watch ! :D
we choose twins sit/couple sit ~ ahahahaha !
during the movie .. yoke lin suddenlly sms me ~
she said she want to treat me makan lunch >.< style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Sushi Groove
food there are nice and tasty and of cause its costly (:
she spent rm40+ for 4person. thx lin lin ~ muacks ^^ she's my best friend too :p
she bring her beloved along ~ woooo ~
we talk, we laugh, we crap, we eat ~ (: i enjoyed ! hehe
after that she cant stay any longer because she need to get her reference books for her studies
so yeahh .. after eat she went off with her beloved and left me and stella xD
then .. we went to Damansara Uptown and window shopping at those small shops :p
somehow i bought 2 pieces of clothes ~ cost me rm30 and stella bought 1pair of shoe ~ rm10 nia xD
and also i met my secondary friend there ! aih sehh so many unexpected thing happen on that day xD heheh

so that's my another happy day ~ :D

the end. (:


Robin Tan said...

ok la..update liao jiu update lo..

Deli_lac said...

wah!! bought 2 cloths also called as WINDOW SHOPPING ah!!!
geng neh!!

piggypeggy said...

ahahahahaha !! XD XD