Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday, 03 Jan 09

today, i wake up at 1pm+, so tiring ~.~ my eyes, macam kena tumbuk like that.. pain ): then i don't know megat was waiting for me.. wakakaka xD pai seh la~ lols

we actually planed to watch movie, a horror movie. -.- geez..
but i don't know what happen, we talk, we chat, we discuss and end up going Neway sing K and cancel the movie plan. hahaha :D

in msn chat.. i don't know who am i talking to cause in 1 account which is jack's account.. pok leong+megat+jack.. confusing -.-'' anyway i have to thanks them for treating me (: arigato~ !!

in Neway, i saw someone i know but i didn't say "hi" :x don't ask me why, i also don't know ! HAHAHA ! oh well .. i really though that i won't hold the mic and sing :x who know i go and grab the mic :D :D and its fun ~ :x cough~ sore throat liao XD ahahaha! rare for me to sing uhh :x maybe this 1 of my history ler XD "kua jiong"

its verry fun holding the remote.. gg. vocal-ing vocal-ing XD guess only us know what is means.. hahahaha ! And 1 more thing.. MEGAT'S VOICE IS EXTREMELY NICE ! ;D
hahahaha ! jack and pok leong also nice la :p all of us sing well la xD haha!

and the most funniest part is .. megat actually picked these 2 songs, twinkle twinkle little stars and ABC for jack ! HAHAHAHAHA!! u will laugh like mad if your there ! :p kesian jack kena bully.. lolz XD *ps: jack dun angry wor, we play play only XD*

i have lots of fun :D hehe.. and here's some pictures that snap by megat (:

me :Dpok leong and i :D

si jack :p

jack and i :D

wooah~ so emotional XD

random random pics :x

okays ~ end of my blog :D

the end. (:


~They call me Jackzzz~ said...

Yuh.... the stupid megat snap the worst ever picture on me.. kns.. i oso don no i look like wat in picture number 3

SoraSoul said...

Piggy grab mics !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Then I think me n robin need to plan sing k wif whole class again, cuz we wan hear u singing wakakakaka
More worst leh, friday robin gt pick indian song == Le ja Le ja ==
Laught til ki siao....

piggypeggy said...

jack : hahahahaha! nice wat XD lols

alvin : wat ?!! aiyoyoyo !! peggy singing sucky la :D no need listen~ HAHAHAHA!!

piggypeggy said...


VR最高 said...

hohoho after all assignment finish all ppl go to "wet" liao haha XD

SoraSoul said...

Suck oso gt limit, but nt yet gv us hear bfore it wont b suck....

Haha, geng is seven n ee fan they reli can sing == reli zha dao ~

haha sure go wet == if nt go dry?