Friday, October 17, 2008

holy toot ~

today i wake up ..i got sudden shock from zi cang that telling me result out liao then said quite number of people fail Hubungan Etnik and intro to art .. i scare like shyt man -..-

i cant check for the 1st time.. make me sibei du lan .. *scream*
then then zi cang helped me check..

the result wasn't what i expected.. quite disappointed .. sigh
have to resit 2 paper.. dammit and its the boring-est* subject ..
so yeahh .. i got fucktard (:

eventhought i got such sucky result.. haha but its ok la ..
my friends adviced me xD anyway thanks !
past is the past :p

the end. (:


uRay said...

i oso heard many ppl sat they fail these subj...
ten oso got told me abt yr result...
but seems like u ade accept d fact ba...dat's good!
result is jz a part of our study...
ya...i admit dat it's important...
but there r still one thing dat more important...dat's ourself...
many things waiting us in our future...n it's only ourself can help...
let's work harder 2gether in dis semester ba!
jia fren~ ^^

adrianming said...

Ganbatte neh~ you can do well at 2nd sem like ur bro, and like what ur mom told ya... =D think positive~ poKes~ :P

Robin Tan said...

uray comment~~
waseh like auntie!! haha
but he said ids true la..he onli can comment when he get good!!
haha..neway dun feel dissapointed cos u still hav "someone" to help u~~
btw comment la my blog..
onli i comment u guys...waseh~~
think positive n spend money for resit~~haha..
n dun cry~
u can do it..anything u nt sure o xfaham can ask ready to help!!
keep it up!!

piggypeggy said...

owhh ~ im so touched ! thanks guys ! TT