Monday, November 3, 2008

crab ? prawn ? fish ?

okla.. i post the last monday 1day trip to 1U is enough liao ~ write another 1 should be ok i guess ? xD
it has been awhile i have stop blogging hor :p
hehe .. im busy with dating ? xD neahh .. not really. lol.
but ya la i busy busy thinking about my darling ~ :p hahahaha!
aih seh .. i don't want neglect my blog neh ):
please stay up reading my blog kay ~ @@
ahhh ! but i have nothing to write ~ eshh
ahahahaha ! ok. -.- im crapping. *bang wall*

ok, let's talk about assignment ..
color wheel = in progress
photography = never touch anything yet
conceptual design = touched a bit :p
ENGLISH ! = tak siap siap lagi ~ 30% only O: *die*
err what else ?
BM lanjutan = in progress doing survey (:
tamadun islam = nothing to do ~ X)
ahahaha !

ok end of my boring post :p

the end. (:


Robin Tan said...

thinking o fdarling~~~
i noe who
A***** hahaha~~~

Mr Lame said...

Haha who donno wor. lol =p
i noe who
Ad**** hahaha~~~

next person continue =p